Chapter 7: Market Malaysia's Mall Without Walls


Market Malaysia’s exclusive brands and MY.SHOP.COM are the hub of our internet product brokerage system. Your own easily accessible MY.SHOP.COM site is made up of “virtual stores,” and offers a wide variety of high-quality, market-driven products and services. You will find Market Malaysia’s exclusive brands specifically grouped into individual categories, and by utilizing the power of the internet, the shopping experience is extended into a seemingly endless array of products, services and Partner Stores – all accessible via your own MY.SHOP.COM site.  

By utilizing the benefits of One-to-One Marketing, where personal relationships are built and information is gathered and analyzed, Market Malaysia sources and delivers exclusive brands and products most desired in the marketplace. Each product and service is developed in conjunction with innovative manufacturers and is carefully screened for reliability, value and market appeal. Where does Market Malaysia obtain this information? From YOU, the UnFranchise Owner, and all the UnFranchise Owners who build relationships with their customers and track each time they make a purchase. We deliver what people want.

Market Malaysia goes further to provide support that ensures the success of all UnFranchise Owners. Once we choose to provide various products and services, we make available to all UnFranchise Owners complete information, training and promotional materials, and we handle the shipping and distribution. This philosophy frees UnFranchise Owners to concentrate on the development of their UnFranchise businesses and the ongoing servicing of customers. This unique way of doing business is what makes Market Malaysia stand out from the crowd. It is the basis of One-to-One Marketing which gives us the ability to provide customized products that stock our virtual stores as well as Partner Stores. For more detailed information on Market Malaysia’s virtual stores and individual products, simply log on to your UnFranchise Business Account and

SEC. 1        Selling Market Malaysia Products

To sell a product, you need to be able to present your product properly to your customers. In order to effectively inform, educate and "tell the story" of a product, which ultimately leads to sales and the development of Preferred Customers, you need to understand the features, advantages and benefits of each of the products you have chosen to specialize in. Detailed information is available at and through our GMTSS in Product Trainings available for all product divisions.

(A)    Becoming A Product Of The Product: One of the most important things you can do as an UnFranchise Owner is to buy and use the Market Malaysia exclusive brands yourself. There’s no faster way to become familiar with Market Malaysia’s products and their benefits and value than by using them yourself. Also, in most cases your prospective customers will ask you if you use the product, and if you do not, it’s likely they won’t either. An additional benefit is that you will see and can give testimony to the quality of our products, making it much easier to sell them to others. Being a product of the product is essential.

(B)    Discussing Product Benefits: You will be most successful selling products, if you can clearly explain to a sales prospect what the specific benefits are of the product you are selling. Try to think like the customers and answer their questions before they ask them. What are the specific benefits of the product? How does it help them? What problems does it solve for them? Why do they need the product? How will it improve their quality of life? If there isn’t sufficient benefit to the people to whom you are "telling the story," there is no reason for them to part with their hard-earned dollars in exchange for the product. If you establish a real benefit, your customer will happily purchase the product.

(C)    Pointing Out Comparative Features: A point-by-point comparison can be a fantastic sales tool. It’s important for your customers to know that they are making a wise buying decision, and many times that comfort level can be achieved by simple comparisons that answer certain questions. What are the special features of the product? Why is it better than other products offered by competitors? How is the product different, exclusive, and unique? What are the added advantages of purchasing this product over a similar name brand? You need to learn, and then explain to your prospect, the comparative benefits about each product you are selling. 

(D)    Justifying A Product’s Price: It has been said, “A sale is made when the product’s perceived value exceeds its cost.” Nothing could be truer, and it’s up to you to properly demonstrate the value of a product so that the value, in the customer’s eyes, exceeds its cost. Answer one simple question for the prospect: “Why is the product worth the money?” Compare the price to a comparable product. Justify the price, so that it doesn’t come up as an objection. If the price is higher than another product with which the prospect is familiar, be prepared to explain why he/she is getting a better value. Examples of this are: added volume or quantity, higher concentration, superior quality, or ease of use. For instance, if selling Health and Nutrition items, ask your prospects how much their health is worth. A dollar? Ten? 50? 100? Remind them that you can’t put a price tag on optimal health. Another successful method is to break the price down to how little it will cost them per month, per week, or per day. Compare the price per day or week to something else they might frivolously spend money on, like a cup of coffee or junk food. Ask them if they think it is worth it. Please note: Always be aware of the old saying, “Compare apples to apples, not apples to oranges.” This will also help you in your discussion of price justification. 

          In addition, you should accumulate as much information and knowledge as you will need to prepare yourself, as well as to add sizzle and punch to your sales. Think of the best salespeople you have ever worked with. They were probably well dressed, polite and sincere. Even more important was how much KNOWLEDGE they had. It makes a person feel uncomfortable to deal with a salesperson who does not have the answers to their questions, so always know as much as you can about the products you sell. Buy, read and attend GMTSS Product Trainings to UNDERSTAND the advantages and vast amount of sales support materials, internet marketing tools and other literature that Market Malaysia makes available. Remember – sales prospects are people, just like you. Take steps to make them feel comfortable, and your sales will increase. 

(E)    Answering Product Questions And Objections: It’s important to learn what the most commonly asked questions are about each product. Ask your Senior Business Partners, GMTSS approved trainers and other UnFranchise Owners which questions they see come up time and time again. Also develop questions yourself that you think others would ask you, and then prepare answers for all of these questions. When you get a question or an objection from a customer for which you have no adequate answer, it’s better to tell your prospect that the question or objection is a good one and that you would like to find the answer for him/her. Call your senior business partner or the Product Information department at Market Malaysia to get the answer. Remember — being prepared is the key to answering objections. Apply those techniques with the answers you have prepared, and you will effectively be able to turn any question and/or objection into a sale.

(F)    Collecting Testimonials: Ask your customers to write a product review online at MY.SHOP.COM so many online customers read the reviews before they purchase. This will massively help all UFOs. Collect testimonials from your customers whenever you can. Get copies from other UnFranchise Owners as well. Doing so helps you learn what product benefits are the ones most important to your customers. Ask your best customers to write you a brief testimonial or product endorsement. Create a loose-leaf booklet of testimonials and endorsements on the product and carry it with you when you go on sales calls. It’s also a good idea to share a copy with Market Malaysia so that we may possibly publish the testimonial in our publications and sales support materials to help inspire others. Testimonials add tremendous credibility to your sales business and to the products you choose to sell, and they go a long way toward persuading a prospective customer to experience the product.

(G)    Asking For The Sale (Closing): Sometimes the most important thing one can do to “close” or complete a sale is simply to ask. Many sales are missed because a salesperson does not ask a prospect for a sale when the time is right. Once you have explained the product benefits and features and have addressed any objections and answered any questions, it’s time for you to close the sale. There are many ways to ask. One method is to simply ask how many items they would like to order. Assume they will buy! Another is to explain the payment options one has, and then ask the prospect which he/she prefers. You can also say this product is perfect for exactly what the customer is looking for. You can ask, “is there any reason why you would not start this product right away?” Whichever you feel most comfortable with is the one you should use — just remember to always ask for the sale!

(H)    Attending Sales Training And Ongoing Product Education: Since its beginning, Market Malaysia has provided one of the most extensive and complete sales training systems available in the direct sales industry. From individual product trainings, regional sales trainings to Product Symposiums, the annual Convention, and the Leadership School, Market Malaysia puts in your hands the information you need to succeed and then shows you how to best use that information to grow your UnFranchise Business. Reference the GMTSS event schedule for training dates near you.

(I)    The GMTSS (Global Meeting, Training and Seminar System): Designed with the UnFranchise Owner in mind, the GMTSS allows you to build your business anywhere in the country by using Market Malaysia's extensive network of One-to-Ones, UnFranchise Business Presentations, Basic 5 Trainings, Executive Coordinator Certification Trainings (ECCTs), New UnFranchise Owner Trainings (NUOTs), Local Seminars, District Conferences, Regional Conventions, and our main events, the Annual Convention and sthe Leadership School.

         (1)    Annual Convention: This is Market Malaysia's flagship event. It’s a powerhouse event of knowledge, excitement, new product introductions, new policy updates, and recognition wrapped up in a four-day light, sound and training extravaganza. The event wraps up with the annual Trade Show featuring representative experts in each of the product categories. You will not want to miss this event each year. Tickets sell out quickly, so always buy your and your friends’ tickets early. Leadership School: Usually held in the spring, it helps announce the latest and greatest products we are offering, along with extensive and intensive sales training. It’s another event you should not miss.

         (2)    Product Symposium: From the basics to the latest product introductions, Market Malaysia’s Product Symposium is one of the best tools to learn about how our products work and why they are superior. Featuring industry experts and special guests, the event shows participants the best way to sell our Market Malaysia exclusive brands. Seats go fast for these, so buy your tickets early. The Product Symposium generally coincides with the International Convention 

         (3)    UnFranchise Owner Magazine: Reading UnFranchise Owner Magazine, Market Malaysia’s bi-monthly magazine for UnFranchise Owners, is crucial to keep you informed of new business developments and new products. Many areas are covered each issue, including a direct message from our Chairman and CEO. Make sure to read it cover to cover.

         (4)    Sales Support Materials: There’s no better way to learn about a product than by reading our sales support literature. Available for virtually every product we sell, visit > “Downloads” > “Support Materials” for valuable printouts and product infographics. This will make you excel in knowledge and offer electronic information for your customers. Make sure to always have plenty of available catalogs and brochures on hand and give them to anyone you think can benefit from our wide range of market-driven products. Check the price list for current codes and prices and for the available materials in that store.


(A)    Health and Nutrition features our own Isotonix brand vitamin and mineral supplements including antioxidants, multivitamins and mineral blends, heart health supplements and bone and joint support formulas and more to support any wellness program.  

(B)    Age Management features our Prime™ line of advanced nutraceuticals backed by the scientific research of anti-aging experts all designed to stave off the effects of aging.  

(C)    Cosmetics features our own high-quality Motives® by Loren Ridinger and Motives® by La La Anthony brands of cosmetics and accessories that rival any department store brand.  

(D)    Personal Care offers scientifically advanced products for skincare, hair care, and bath and body needs, from creams that minimizes the appearance of wrinkles to moisturizers that nourish and repair dry, damaged skin to high quality shampoos and conditioners. Each product is specifically formulated to deliver the results you need.   

(E)    Home and Garden offers a complete line of products for your home, yard and environment. Home, kitchen and laundry products help make keeping your home clean a little easier, while the lawn-and-garden and pool-and-spa products give you the yard of your dreams. 

(F)    Web Development provides an easy and affordable way for small business to own and operate a custom-built website by providing a step by step process to create it, a support team to help maintain it, and tools that help manage and grow the business.  

(G)    Weight Management features a science-based approach to long-term weight management through healthy lifestyle, featuring breakthrough products and systems.

(H)    Financial offers a solution to create wealth by managing debt.

(I)     Health Professional is an exclusive team of trained UnFranchise Owners serving Health Professionals with custom wellness solutions.* 

(J)    MY.SHOP.COM: The possibilities are endless with the MY.SHOP.COM endless shopping experience. It offers hundreds of stores, millions of products, no waiting, secure transactions, shipping right to your door, and relaxing, stress-free shopping all through your MY.SHOP.COM website.. For more detailed information on MY.SHOP.COM and the Market Malaysia exclusively branded products, simply log on to your UnFranchise Business Account.

(K)    Future Market Malaysia Categories: As we continue to develop long-term working relationships with UnFranchise Owners and their customers, we also continue to learn more about what our customers really want and need. This is the base of Market Malaysia’s concept of One-to-One Marketing. By tracking consumers’ individual desires with top-of-the-line manufacturers and research companies, Market Malaysia will continue to add to and develop its MY.SHOP.COM website to be the best, most customer-friendly retail site on the internet. Make sure to pay particular attention to ongoing updates and additions to the MY.SHOP.COM by taking advantage of all training opportunities and product launch events, and by reading the various media made available to all UnFranchise Owners.

*Currently not available in Market Malaysia


The SHOP Local Program allows local businesses to become MY.SHOP.COM merchants, enabling UnFranchise Owners and Preferred Customers to earn shop point or IBV with every purchase made at those stores. This is our way of promoting local businesses to attract new customers through a partnership with Market Malaysia and MY.SHOP.COM.

To find participating SHOP Local Merchants, UnFranchise Owners can go to their UnFranchise Business Account and search SHOP Local.  Customers can click “Shop Local Stores” on the site to find participating SHOP Local Stores. You will find a listing of all participating Merchant locations, along with a description of products and services offered by each merchant, and a link for directions to the Merchant’s location. Both you and your customers should remember to list your credit cards (up to five cards) to earn additional IBV and Shop Point.